Who in the World is Dori Jansma?
Dori Jansma is the owner of Jansma Insurance Group. She has worked in the insurance business since 1999.
The Jansma Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency providing all lines of insurance (personal, commercial, life and more). Having the capability to quote through a number of different carriers, allows us to find the best insurance package to meet the needs/priorities of our clients. With over 18 years of experience in the insurance business, it is our goal to provide the best customer service and keeping our clients informed and educated. Not every insurance policy is the same, so let us do an insurance review and see if there is a better fit for your insurance needs.
Dori is an Iowa native & grew up in the NW Iowa farming community of Rock Valley. Both of her parents owned their own businesses, which is where she learned her strong work ethic. After high school, she went on to graduate from Central College (Pella, IA) with a degree in Biology. While working on her master’s degree, she was offered a position in a small insurance agency. She soon realized that she had a passion for insurance, which changed her career path from becoming a marine biologist to the insurance industry. Eighteen years later, that passion still drives her not only in her agency, but also in her community.
She stays busy outside of work with numerous hobbies from cycling, volleyball, kayaking, to cooking, gardening, playing her piano, hiking, camping, spending time with her family and friends, and playing with her pets (and every pet she comes in contact with).
Dori spends much of her free time volunteering and giving back to the community. Being an avid cyclist, she has been a part of the Friends of Central Iowa Trails since its inception ten years ago and organizes a number of the bike valets for the Des Moines Arts Festival, World Food & Music Festival, Earth Day and more.
If you don’t catch her at one of the festivals managing the bike valet or pedaling through the metro, you may see her at the many events for Girls Rock! Des Moines. Dori serves as the president of the Board for this nonprofit that focuses on music programs for girls ages 10-16 and volunteers at the majority of their camps, workshops, events, performances and fundraisers.